Online workshop: "Painting Wild Flowers in Watercolour"

Join me on 16th August 2021 for a workshop via Zoom, where I’ll be painting Irish wild flowers in watercolour. This is not in the style of botanical painting, but shows realistic flowers in a loose, atmospheric setting. Your fee of €30 covers a three-hour demonstration with opportunities for Q & A, links to the Zoom recording afterwards, AND ALSO exclusive access to pre-recorded videos on YouTube showing the real-time process of two wild flower paintings.

Online classes

Since 2020 weekly classes switched to Zoom, and are running very successfully. The current group, which meets on a Thursday morning, have all been attending classes in the studio before, but new students are welcome to join the group at any time. At present, these will need to be people with at least some experience in watercolour. Please contact me if you’d like to join !

The format is that the 2 1/2 hour class starts with a time for “show and tell”, in which students who wish to can share what they have painted since the last class. For those who would prefer their feedback to be private, they can instead send me an image via email or Whatsapp, for some individual critique if they would like it. The class then proceeds with a live demonstration, lasting up to two hours, in which I share tips about composition, drawing, colour choices and colour mixing, and the application of paint, plus plenty of techniques to try out and some fun ideas for creating lively paintings.

After the class, a recording will be available on the Zoom cloud for a month, and the link is sent to students. Additionally, I have a YouTube channel, with clips to supplement the classes, which is made available only to students of the classes.

Pre-selected for SBA Exhibition in London 2020

“Woodland Snowdrops” has been pre-selected for the exhibition of the Society of Botanical Artists at the Mall Galleries in London in June 2020.

Due to Covid-19 Hand-In Day has been cancelled, and the exhibition will not be held in 2020

Forthcoming Exhibitions

  • 30th September to 13th October: Water Colour Society Exhibition at the Farmleigh Gallery, Phoenix Park, Dublin D15 TD50.
    Open daily 10-5. (Last day 10-4)
    Free to the public

  • 15th to 17th November: ArtSource at the RDS, Dublin.
    Entrance fee applies.
    Contact Sue for tickets for free entry

  • 29th November to 3rd December: Sue’s POP-up Weekend Exhibition at My Place Community Centre in Midleton.
    Free to the public.

Please contact Sue with an email address and/or postal address for an invitation to the opening events for these exhibitions.